Spring Orientation Day 2020 is Friday, January 17.
This day is designed for all undergraduate students new to S&T for the Spring 2020 semester: both freshmen and transfers.
See below for additional details.
Cost to attend Spring Orientation Day for incoming freshmen is $60.
Check-In begins at 8:00 am at the Carver-Turner Room of Havener Center. Morning events include:
a welcome to Missouri S&T
math placement testing
academic advising and online registration
Following lunch and a Mini Resrouce Fair, the new transfer students will join the incoming freshmen for an afternoon of information about campus resources:
History and Traditions of Missouri S&T
Information Technology (IT)
Educational Technology - information about Canvas
Financial Aid and Scholarships
the Student Success Center
Opportunities for Undergraduate Research (OURE)
Registrar's Office - information about Joe'SS
Career Opportunities and Employer Relations (COER)
Student Health Services
Faculty expectations
a Student Information Panel
Students will also meet other new students while participating in a team-building challenge.
Dinner and Awards will begin at 4:45 pm.
Cost to attend Spring Orientation Day for incoming transfer students is $25.
On Spring Orientation Day, check-in and a Mini Resource Fair begins at 12:30 pm at the Carver-Turner Room of Havener Center, followed by an afternoon of information about campus resources:
History and Traditions of Missouri S&T
Information Technology (IT)
Educational Technology - information about Canvas
Financial Aid and Scholarships
the Student Success Center
Opportunities for Undergraduate Research (OURE)
Registrar's Office - information about Joe'SS
Career Opportunities and Employer Relations (COER)
Student Health Services
Faculty expectations
a Student Information Panel
Students will also meet other new students while participating in a team-building challenge.
Dinner and Awards will begin at 4:45 pm.
TO REGISTER FOR SPRING ORIENTATION DAY: Have you viewed your digital admit letter? Have you registered for a Transfer Advising Day? If you answered yes to both of these questions, you can register by clicking here and clicking on the "Transfer Orientation Day Sign Up" link on your status page. If you answered no to either of these questions, please visit your status page by clicking here and completing those two steps. Once you do, you will see the option to click on the "Transfer Orientation Day Sign Up" link to register.
Questions? Contact us via email at pro@mst.edu or by phone at 800-266-9035, Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 4:30pm CST.
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