ALEKS Math Placement

Missouri S&T Math Placement

Embark on your academic journey at Missouri S&T with confidence through our online Math Placement Exam, a prerequisite for new undergraduate students.  At Missouri S&T, we're committed to providing you with the tools and assessments needed to succeed. Let the Math Placement Exam be your guide! In collaboration with ALEKS PPL, a nationally recognized placement and learning tool, we ensure a seamless and tailored placement experience for each student.

It's a simple process:

  • Complete your first attempt at least 7 days prior to your Advising & Registration (A&R) day.
  • You may take the placement exam up to three times.
  • The highest score is considered for your initial math course placement.
  • Typical completion time for the online Math Placement Exam is 45 minutes

If you have earned an ACT math score of 32 or higher (SAT math score of 720 or higher), you are EXEMPT from the placement exam.  If you have earned an ACT math score between 25-31 (SAT math score of 590-719), you MAY NOT need to take the placement exam. 

For more information, read the Exemptions section below.

Importance of Math Placement

At S&T, we understand that mathematics education varies across high schools and colleges, creating diverse standards and expectations. The ALEKS Exam serves as a valuable tool, offering students a clear understanding of their strengths in relation to core math objectives. By guiding students to the most appropriate math course, we ensure a strong foundation for success in their first semester and beyond.

Taking the exam seriously is crucial to providing an accurate reflection of a student's preparedness. It should be completed independently, without external assistance from friends, family, internet searches, apps, textbooks, notes, or any other sources. This approach is fundamental to our commitment to integrity and fairness in the placement process.

For students who have not taken the ACT/ SAT or who have not earned the aforementioned scores please follow the link in your Online Orientation or access the link in your Status Portal to take your Online Math Placement Exam.

When the Math Placement Exams become available, an email will be sent to both your personal and S&T email addresses. Access to the exams is granted exclusively to students who have been admitted to Missouri S&T.

For those currently enrolled in algebra or trigonometry courses, it is advisable to review the material before testing. While these students should wait to test, initiating the first attempt at least one week before the event date is required for accurate placement during your Advising and Registration Day.

However, students engaged in coursework beyond algebra or trigonometry, or those not currently enrolled in any mathematics course, are encouraged to consider testing earlier. This strategic approach capitalizes on the retention of algebra and trigonometry skills.

In both scenarios, dedicating additional study time to prepare for the Math Placement Exam is strongly recommended. This investment not only enhances preparedness but also contributes to a confident and successful testing experience.

Unlock the power of your mathematical potential with the ALEKS Placement Exam at Missouri S&T. Embrace the challenge of demonstrating your skills without the aid of a calculator, paving the way for a solid foundation in essential arithmetic and estimation abilities. Just like in your future courses, where calculators may not be allowed, this exam ensures you develop the proficiency needed for success in higher-level mathematics, science, and engineering.

At Missouri S&T, we believe in cultivating a strong academic base for our students. While calculators are not permitted for the ALEKS Placement Exam, rest assured that when necessary, the exam will provide an onscreen calculator for specific problems. This approach mirrors standardized testing practices and aligns with the university's commitment to preparing you for the academic challenges ahead.

Our shared goal is to guide you towards the right starting point in your math journey, ensuring both short-term and long-term success. By accurately assessing your current skill set, we pave the way for a stress-free and efficient progression towards graduation. Let's embark on this mathematical adventure together, setting the stage for your academic triumphs at Missouri S&T

There are many good websites which provide free problems and even tutorials, and certainly any textbook with "College Algebra" in the title can be helpful.  

After taking your first attempt on the ALEKS placement test, a personalized study plan will become available to help students practice skills and improve scores on subsequent attempts. This study plan has a minimum requirement of 3 hours before unlocking the next attempt. 

The same process is used for the third attempt, only the study plan will require 5 hours of study before unlocking the last attempt. 

  • Students who have earned an ACT math score of 28-31 (or SAT math score of 660-719) and have submitted official results to the Missouri S&T registrar’s office can enroll in Math 1210 – Calculus IA, Math 1212, or Math 1160 (depending on major) without taking the placement exam.
  • A student who wishes to enroll in Math 1214 – Calculus I cannot do so with an ACT math score of 28-31 (or SAT math score of 660-719), but students can take the math placement exam and place into Math 1214.  Students who wish to do this should take the math placement exam.
  • Students who have earned an ACT math score of 32 or higher (or SAT math score of 720 or higher) and have submitted official results to the Missouri S&T registrar’s office can enroll in Math 1214 – Calculus I.  No math placement exam is necessary. 
  • Additionally, students majoring in History or English are not required to test.  Please reach out to New Student Programs at or call (573) 341-4025.
  • To better understand the difference between the Math 1210/Math 1211 sequence and Math 1214, read the descriptions below.
    Math 1210/Math 1211 sequence vs Math 1214
    Math 1210 – Calculus IA is the first course in a two-semester sequence of courses.  After successfully completing Math 1210, students enroll in Math 1211 – Calculus IB.  This sequence covers Calculus I in two semesters instead of one.  This sequence includes a review of algebra and covers trigonometry.  Students can enroll in Calculus II after successfully completing this sequence.  Algebra mastery is expected when enrolling in Math 1210.  
    Math 1214 – Calculus I covers all of the Calculus I content in one semester.  Students can enroll in Calculus II after completing Math 1214.  Algebra and Trigonometry mastery is expected when enrolling in Math 1214

After admission to Missouri S&T, full instructions for taking the Math Placement Exams in ALEKS will be sent to you via email when the test has opened for the semester. Admitted students can access the ALEKS exam in their applicant portal too. 

You will receive your scores and course placement immediately upon completion of your Math Placement Exams.  A copy of your scores is sent to New Student Programs and to the Registrar's office.  New Student Programs provides your scores and placement to academic advisors prior to Advising & Registration and Transfer Advising Days.

A summary of course placements is below:

  • ALEKS Score of 76-100 or ACT Math Score of 32-36 or SAT Math Score 720-800
    • Math 1214:  Calculus I, or higher with prerequisite credit
  • ALEKS Score of 61-75 or ACT Math Score of 28-31 or SAT Math Score of 660-719
    • Math 1210: Calculus I-A, Math 1212 Survey of Calculus, Math 1160 Trigonometry (Based on Major) 
  • ALEKS Score of 46-60 or ACT Math Score of 25-27 or SAT Math Score of 590-659
    • Math 1120: College Algebra
  • ALEKS Score of 0-45
    • Math 1103: Fundamentals of Algebra

Note: Students can enroll in a lower-level math course if they wish.  Students should take courses they are comfortable with.

Each student may take the ALEKS Math Placement Exams up to 3 times. 

After the first attempt on the Math Placement Test, an individualized study plan becomes available on the platform. Students will be required to spend 3 hours of time studying the math material before they are able to move on to a second attempt. There is also a 48 hour "cool-down" period between attempts. 

After the second attempt on the Math Placement Test, an individualized study plan becomes available on the platform. Students will be required to spend 5 hours of time studying the math material before they are able to move on to the LAST attempt. There is also a 48 hour "cool-down" period after the second attempt.

If you have received testing accommodations in the past, please reach out to Student Accessibility and Testing at or by calling 573-341-6655 prior to taking the Math Placement Exams.  Once Student Accessibility and Testing confirms your eligibility for continued testing accommodations, they will administer you an alternate link to access the ALEKS Math Placement Test.

For additional information about S&T's Math Placement process, please contact Cris Sheffel at or (573) 341-4326.